Rodeo Star Studio برنامه ها

Mod Helicopter for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This is the first controllable flyingvehiclefor game. It is a really cool helicopter which you can usetoexplore game from the skies. It does run on fuel though soyoualways gotta make sure to bring some extra petrol cans andeveryminute or so refuel the helicopter.
Mod Addon FNAF Pets for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This is an addon which brings theanimatronicsin FNAF for MCPE. You can tame them and keep them asyour pets orfight one of them which is an animatronic boss. Most oftheanimatronics provide a great companionship as they arequiteprotective and are never late to a fight if they areneeded.
Mod T-Rex for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Tyrannosaurus (T-Rex) is probably one ofthemost frightening creatures you could come across if you took atripwith a time-machine back to the Cretaceous era. This addonturnsthe witch into a T-Rex which you can tame, ride and use forstoringyour items.
Mod Mutant Creatures for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Mutant Creatures Mod adds 21mutantcreatures. All of the mobs use customized mob models toprovide anew and hopefully more scary experience. All mobs spawnrandomlyin-game but they are quite rare to find. It’s a really funmod toplay around with and it even comes with a modded map.
Mod Overboards for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Overboards Mod adds six differentcoloredoverboards and one segway. The vehicle has many names likeminisegway and self-balancing scooter. Some people even insistoncalling them hoverboards but since they’ve got wheels thatdoesn’treally make any sense. If you like the idea then go aheadand giveit a try in MCPE.
Mod Dirt Bikes for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This addon implements dirt bikes in game.Themodel for the bike looks very realistic and it exists as10different colors. The dirt bike is quite fast and works greatonrough terrains. It’s really a neat upgrade from riding onhorses(and occasionally pigs) which I truly recommend tryingout.
Red Hero Mod 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Red Hero adds an armor suit andgadgetstrying to replicate the popular superhero’s hightechnologymechanical superpowers. When you put on the armor yourskin willturn into Hero and you will have super awesome powers justlikehim.First you will need to craft the Red Hero. Then tap ontheground to activate the armor suit and turn into Red Hero.
Super Power Rangers Mod 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Super Power Rangers Mod for MCPE adds 6newmorph and 6 new ranger armor to the game.Feel yourself a hero from your favorite comics! Five ordinaryhighschool students learn that their little town of Angel Grove andthewhole world are on the verge of extinction by an alienthreat.Selected by fate our heroes quickly realize that they arethe onlyones who can save the planet.
Map Simpson for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Map Simpson for MCPE is a fun andscaryadventure map which is based around The Simpsons anditscharacters. For the most part you are required to fight zombiesanddo a whole lot of running from one building to another as youtryto find a solution for this zombie invasion. Nonetheless, it’sanenjoyable adventure where you get to experience the cityofSpringfield, meeting many famous characters from the show andfightzombies.
Wolverine Mod for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Wolverine is one of the characters inthepopular movie series and comics called the X-Men.Wolverine’sspecial abilities include super strength, immediatelyregeneratinghealth and his super sharp steel claws. In this mod youare able toturn into Wolverine and get every mentioned superability.
Mod Spider Hero for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Spider Hero Mod adds a new set of itemstothe game which can be crafted and used to become Spider Hero.Notonly will you look as him but you will also have all hispowerssuch as shooting cobweb and jumping high up in the sky.
Mod SpongeBob Addon for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This addon lets you experience the cityofBikini Bottom and meet SpongeBob and all of his friends.SpongeBobSquarePants is an animated TV show which has been on airfor almosttwo decades. A total of 13 mobs have been turned intocharacterswhich look incredibly similar to those of theSpongeBobuniverse.
Mod Herobrine for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Herobrine is a community-made character whohasnever been proven to exist in the game. This addon aims tochangethat as it turns the wither skeleton into Herobrine. Don’texpecthim to act kindly because he’s known for his creepy andoftenruthless behavior. On top of that, it also changes the irongoleminto Notch. Have them two fight it out in an epicbattle!
Mod Baby Player Addon for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Baby Player is an addon which makesitpossibility to become a baby (also known as a small person)inMCPE. The best thing is that it works for any custom skin. Thisispurely a visual mod as it doesn’t actually changeanycharacteristics of the player (e.g. health or strength).
Mod More Food for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The More Food Mod adds 36 food items tothegame. It includes realistic food such as hamburgers and tacobutalso some food such as the delicious diamond cookie. If youthinkthe game is missing out on some of the world’s delicious foodthenuse this mod to be able to choose between tens ofdifferentdishes.
Mod More Swords for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The More Swords PE Mod adds 9 swords tothegame. Each new weapon has a unique power. For example, theDawnStar, will set the enemy on fire and the Vampiric Blade willdrainthe enemy of its blood and regenerate some of your health.Thepowers of each weapon is nicely balanced and it’s definitely aniceaddition to the game.
Mod DisneyPark for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This one of the best theme parks I haveevercome across which is specifically created for MCPE. In the mapyouwill find lots of different attractions such as roller coastersandeven the Cinderella fairy tale castle. No matter whether youhaveor haven’t been to a DisneyPark I highly recommend this map asit’sa very well built and detailed map!
Mod Faithful for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Do you like the default textures in MCPEbutwish it existed as the double resolution? If that’s the casethenthe Faithful PE texture pack is the perfect solution. It keepstheoriginal look of game but the resolution is two times better(32×32instead of 16×16 pixels) which makes the graphics look alotbetter. This texture pack has long existed for the PC versionofgame and today you are able to download it for MCPE aswell.
Mod Decoration for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Decoration Mod adds 34 furniture and16colored stained glass blocks. Some of the decorations includeadoorbell, plenty of kitchen furniture and a fully functionalTV.It’s the perfect addition if you want to decorate your homewithsome furniture to make it look more realistic. Most of themareused for decoration but some of them have uses too.
Mod Lucky Infernal Block 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Lucky Infernal Block mod adds a blockwhichwhen destroyed can cause one out of 35 different things tohappen.Most of them are dangerous but nobody would willingly putthemselvesin danger unless there was an incentive. In this casethe incentiveis that on rare occassions loads of valuable itemswill appear. Butyou will probably have to deal with a lot ofdanger before thathappens, unless you are lucky of course.
Mod Mech Suit for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This is an addon which adds a robotic mechsuitto the game. You can ride the mech suit, control it and evenmake itfight for you. It works extremely well and is really amust-haveaddon for anyone who want a more modern way of doingwarfare ingame.
Mod Project Superhero for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Project Superhero adds eight wellknownsuperheroes to the world of MCPE. By becoming each superheroyouget access to all their superhuman abilities as well assomespecial items specifically designed for each character. Some oftheincluded superheroes. You will love this if you areintosuperheroes!
Mod Teleporter for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Teleporter Mod adds a new block to thegameknown as the teleporter pad. This block can be placed out onanumber of different locations and then used to teleport fromonelocation to another simply by standing on it. It’s really simpletouse but either way it will probably prove quite usefulforyou!
Mod Command Blocks for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Command Block is incredibly usefulbecauseit can be used for executing text commands in MCPE. And it’sonlytriggered when there’s a redstone signal active. The blockcanprocess javascript and custom commands found in othermods.
Mod Many Items for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Too Many Items is the best mod there is tohavecomplete control of your items and blocks in your inventory.It alsoadds features for management of your gameplay such asswitchingbetween day and night and accessibility to a largevariety ofbuttons to simplify your gameplay.
Mod Minions Addon for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Minions are yellow, small,cylindricalcreatures which are most known for their appearance inthe Minionsmovie. This addon adds them to MCPE. They are very cuteand can beused for multiple things. For example, you can tame them,have themfight for you or you can send them away on missions suchas huntingor to go fishing.
Mod Mine-Cars for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
The Mine-Cars Add-on replaces five mobsin-gamewith five brand new cars. The vehicles are quite fast andoffer agreat opportunity to more easily move around in MCPE. Thevehiclesare very good as they require no fuel. In that sense, it’sa car ofthe future.
Mod Girlfriend for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
In this mod you will be able to spawnagirlfriend using a flower. The girlfriend can walk around andsaysome words from time to time but other than that she’squitelimited to what she can do. If you are looking for a companionthenit’s definitely a nice addition to the game.
Mod Train for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This addon adds a locomotive to the gamewhichis a fully functional vehicle operating on rails. You can usethetrain for transporting yourself and it also includes abigcontainer which can be used for storage. The train modelisamazingly detailed and it’s going to be very interesting toseewhat other features we’ll see in the upcoming future forthisadd-on!
Mod War Plane for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
This is an addon which is really usefulforanyone who want to rule the skies in MCPE. It replaces thechickenwith an awesome airplane. It is based on the famous Spitfirewhichwas a fighter aircraft used by the British Royal Air ForceduringWorld War II. Besides flying it also has the ability toeliminatelong range targets.
Mod Mine-Tanks for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Fight the monsters in MCPE with moderntanks.This addon includes two tanks and both of them function thesameway. The difference is simply that they have differentcamouflagewhich are designed for two separate environments. It’sreally amust-have for anyone who want to upgrade their way oftransport inMCPE to something more modern!
Mod Sports Car for MCPE 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
A Sports car is a single-seated racing carwiththe power to reach crazy speeds which is necessary to competeracing. This is an addon which implements two such cars in-game.The carsare amazingly detailed and look very similar to the reallifeversions. It’s really the ultimate cars to use for your nextracingevents.
Bikini SpongeBob Map 1.0
Rodeo Star Studio
Enter the universe of SpongeBob andhisfriends. This is Bikini Bottom City. It’s a fictional city,ofcourse, but nonetheless an amazing map to explore. It includesmostof the locations as seen in the animated TV series. Some ofthehouses include SpongeBob’s pineapple house and along withtheneighbouring houses. There’s is also the Bikini Bottom Mallandlots of other places to explore we can assure you.